Miguel Lozano and the Future of the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted August 13, 2020

Miguel Lozano sells street corn in Oregon.

Or at least he used to.

The high-school sophomore who’s been selling the Mexican street food to help pay for school clothes was recently shut down by county regulators.

Apparently Lozano didn’t have the required permit to run his small operation. 

The required permit costs $1,415.

I suspect if this young man had $1,415, he’d have more than enough to buy clothes and wouldn’t need to sell corn on the street to begin with.

It’s so absurd.

We should be supporting personal responsibility and entrepreneurship, not discouraging it.

Sidetracked by the Permit Police?

We’ve definitely heard these types of stories before.

Kids going out and trying to earn a buck, only to be thwarted by overzealous regulators who believe bureaucratic buffoonery is more important than empowering young people who seek to do more than just play video games all day.

Can you imagine if some of today’s most successful entrepreneurs were sidetracked early on by the permit police?

Where would we be?

Everything we rely on today is the result of hard work and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Electricity, the internet, modern transportation, airplanes, lifesaving medicines, and biotechnology… The list goes on and on.

Consider This…

I’ve actually been following the development of some new treatments for age-related chronic diseases that could actually help you extend your life span by as much as 50%.

The company that’s developed this technology is currently running clinical trials with the FDA.

This is really happening, right now.

Amazing, game-changing stuff!

And it makes me wonder if the CEO of this public company would’ve even made it this far had he been discouraged from “thinking big” when he was just starting down the path of entrepreneurship.

This company is at the forefront of ushering in new therapies that could allow us all to live well beyond 100, and without the chronic diseases that come with aging.

Folks, we can’t trivialize the power of entrepreneurship within today’s younger generation.

Given all the challenges our world faces today, we need more energetic, proactive entrepreneurs out there, being encouraged and groomed by a supportive community.  

I don’t know what’s going to happen with Miguel Lozano’s street corn stand. But I do hope he doesn’t let this incident crush his entrepreneurial spirit. Because who knows? Miguel Lozano could one day join the ranks of Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk — some of the most influential entrepreneurs the world has ever known.

To thwart that would be, for lack of a better word, stupid.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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